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RAFAH, Jan 17: Over 100 days after the escalated bombing in Palestine since October 7th, resulting in 24,285 fatalities, the conflict persists.

KUALA LUMPUR, JANUARY 16: Juwai IQI, the global real estate and technology powerhouse, has launched its state-of-the-art global headquarters.

KUALA LUMPUR, JANUARY 16: In a time of economic uncertainty, real estate proves to be a secure investment, showing resilience even after a global financial crisis.

Kuala Terengganu,  Jan 9: A former skipper pleaded not guilty to three charges of embezzling 61,000 liters of diesel that cost a total loss of RM97,600 at the Kuala Terengganu’s Sessions Court today.

SEOUL, Jan 8: The recent live-fire drills by North Korea near the western maritime border have undermined the buffer zones established under a 2018 inter-Korean military agreement, heightening the risk of clashes between the north and south.