
KUCHING: Damaged electrical cables caused by a landslide near Kampung Haji Baki along Jalan Batu Kitang around midnight on 16 July had affected supply to customers in Batu Kitang, Bau, Lundu and Sematan.

KUALA LUMPUR (JULY 16) : The following are the updates on COVID-19 figures in Malaysia and its Southeast Asian neighbours as at 6.00pm today

In Kuching, the SSPCA was founded in 1959 by a small group of expatriate officers who were affected by the sight of diseased dogs and sick animals roaming the streets. On September 11, 1962, the “Kuching Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (KSPCA)” was legally registered with the Registrar of Societies.

Breaking News: 17 Delta Variant Detected

SARAWAK’s iconic LEE FAH MEE prawn noodle snack is perhaps something that can never be torn away from everyone’s childhood – an after-school must-have snack. Its addictive taste and crunch in every bite would make every child crave for more. Remember how it used to be packaged back then? The trademark yellow packaging would consist of five smaller packs and a free sticker to boot, much to the delight of many children.