
KUCHING, 11 Dis: Landskap kenderaan elektrik (EV) di Sarawak menjadi lebih kompetitif dengan pengenalan model Ora Good Cat yang dilancarkan oleh Great Wall Motor (GWM) Malaysia di sini, semalam. 

KUCHING, Oct 25: Sarawak Medical Innovation Technology Hub (SMITH) is poised to revolutionise Sarawak’s healthcare sector, with the first phase centered on a 36-acre medical glove manufacturing facility in Tanjung Kidurong, Bintulu, situated within the SEDC Petchem Industrial Park.

KUCHING, 24 Oct : Over 500 licensed and registered local vendors convened at PETRONAS’ inaugural Sarawak Oil and Gas Services and Equipment (OGSE) Partners Day in Bintulu recently.

KUCHING, 20 Oct: Peruntukan berjumlah RM10 juta akan disalurkan kepada perusahaan Sabah dan Sarawak melalui Program Peningkatan Enterpris Bumiputera (BEEP) Plus Sabah dan Sarawak.
