PETROS Expands Its Oil and Gas Exploration With Shell and PETRONAS

KUCHING: Petroleum Sarawak Exploration and Production Sdn Bhd (PSEP), a wholly owned subsidiary of Petroleum Sarawak Bhd (PETROS), together with Sarawak Shell Bhd (SSB) and PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB), have been awarded the SK437 Production Sharing Contract (PSC) on Wednesday.

Banjir di Bangladesh jejas 12,000 pelarian Rohingya : UNHCR

DHAKA, 29 Julai — Hujan monsun di Bangladesh telah menjejaskan lebih 12,000 pelarian Rohingya sementara kira-kira 2,500 tempat perlindungan rosak atau musnah, kata Suruhanjaya Tinggi Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu untuk Pelarian (UNHCR) pada Rabu.