Harry & Meghan Announce Birth Of Second Child

Prince Harry and Meghan, Britain’s Duke and Duchess of Sussex, welcomed a new baby girl on Friday.
Families Of MH17 Plane Downing Brace For Critical Trial Phase

HRABOVE, UKRAINE: Families of the 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over rebel-held eastern Ukraine are braced for possibly painful details to emerge when a critical phase of the murder trial begins next week examining what and who was responsible for the disaster.
砂周三将获38万剂疫苗 本月完成接种100万剂

Train Collision In Pakistan Kills At Least 30

SINDH PROVINCE, PAKISTAN: A collision between two passenger express trains in southern Pakistan killed at least 30 people on Monday (June 7).
Petugas Media Terima Suntikan Vaksin COVID-19 Mulai Rabu Ini

KUALA LUMPUR: Para petugas media yang berdaftar dalam Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan akan mula menerima suntikan dos pertama vaksin COVID-19 Rabu ini, kata Menteri Penyelaras Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan Khairy Jamaluddin.